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A Special Thanks!

A Special Thank You To Phoenyx Trevellion and DikBrah Trilling of Panther Ridge for keeping us alive and well over the past 6 years. Without you and your kindness our band would not be whole.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The real point of roleplay limits

     Something I've noticed in SL Gor that I find very odd. There's a lot of people who take the viewpoint that roleplay limits interfere with rp. I suppose in some cases they do, as some are quite clearly designed to minimize, if not flat out avoid, any disadvantage someone might end up with should they find themselves captive.
     There's the truly ridiculous, such as no collars, no branding. These make me wonder if the person even knows what the basis of the roleplay is. It's supposed to be based on the Chronicles of Gor...and things like that happened in those books, to men and women. Might as well put "no rp with me if I'm the loser".
     Some, however, have a very valid point. "No rape", or "fade to black on rape", for instance. For some, due to real life events, or fears, this might very well be a highly traumatic event. Please, spare me the "it's just a game" nonsense. If there were no emotional attachment, then why would someone get annoyed because the other party won't rp what they want them to? Hypocrisy is funny like that. The fact is, no matter how strongly denied, people get emotionally involved with what their character is doing. It's part of your personality, after all, that's powering it.
     Then there's the flip side. The "limits are for wimps" types. Steadfastly refusing to use limits, because they feel they interfere with roleplay. But then, when something happens, and these "rp tough guys" pitch a fit because they don't like it...was that really worth the lack of a simple limit? Or even simply saying "no"? Something to think about, as you contemplate what to put on your limits page.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Panthers without honor?

   By Storm Galtier

   A few nights ago, a panther told me "we're outlaws, we have no honor!". Of course this floored me. Ok, I haven't read all the books, but the ones I did read make me wonder at this belief. Outlaws without honor? Really?
    Let me start out by saying, bull. There is the example of the exchange points, where neither male nor female outlaws attack each other, both sides understanding this would ruin the purpose of a safe place to exchange wares and slaves. No one seems to remember this in SL, tho.
    Now specifically to panthers. Yes, we're outlaws, and we're not very nice to those outside our bands. But no honor among our own band? Definite bull. Consider Rissia, of Verna's band, the only one of the tribe to not drink the drugged wine, and not pass out. Did she run? Did she leave her unconscious sisters to the mercy of the forest and whoever drugged them? No, she stayed, and even attempted to fight off Tarl's men alone. That she had no hope of winning didn't cross her mind, only protecting her sisters. Does this sound like an outlaw with no honor? Who's more concerned with her own safety than that of her sisters?
    These are both examples from Hunters of Gor. So, I ask you, are outlaws truly without honor? I don't think so.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Creativity and Realism

Food for thought by Alehna

Tal all you sly pantherites out there! Today’s thoughts are of an odd sort (at least odd for me XD). No, there will be no ranting and raving like the lunatic I normally am. Today, I wanted to discuss one of the many grey areas in rping as a panther, creativity versus realism.
As always, I will only write about my own experiences and to what we as a group and a sim agree to. (IE..Expectations, sim rules).
I would think the first question to ask yourself is, What is a Panther? Is it an Amazonian like woman only placed in the Northern Forests of Gor instead? Or is she a woman that only waits for someone strong enough to capture her, the feminine prize in the Gorean version of Capture the Flag. For me, she is neither. She is a woman that denies the nature of Gor in how the men were meant to dominate to the very notion that women were nothing but slaves to this domination without question or choice. She is no superwoman nor is she a slut in furs.
Knowing the basics of what a panther is will help guide you into what would be believable and realistic in roleplay. Every one of us can be creative in what our character’s personalities/experiences are due to back stories. We can be creative in how we do things, why we do things or even the chances we would take (within your roles limits of course). Let that creativity flow but know your role before making a fool of yourself and your tribe.

Use this base knowledge of what role you are and blossom from that in your creativity. A cat would never be a horse, yet they are both still beasts and could very realistically do some of the same things. Same with a panther, you deny what you are and the dominance of men, yet a panther will still believe that some women by nature are meant to be dominated..both freewomen and slaves. 
The biggest suggestion I have to anyone looking to rping anything is research the role; whether that means, reading books, asking questions or learning from watching those that have experience. In the very end, it is going to come down to your group’s expectations of your rp and how you wish to play.